The Lost Islands

Don't go crying to your momma

cause you're on your own in the real world

The chilly breeze blasts through the openness and smacks her in the face. You would think winter would be an easy adjust on a Tinuvel native, but it wasn’t panning out that way. Staying those few months on Luthien had messed with her body’s natural resistance to Tinuvel’s cold. Sure, the Thicket grew cold, but it had nothing on the heavy snow falls of her homeland. Returning at the start of winter was a challenging move she did not expect it to be. Though her mind was much too clouded with the loss of two herd members to worry over the shake of her legs. She slowly grew more used to the harsh weather each passing day, but as the month went Tinuvel only grew worse.

Parvati worries Devi might not be able to handle the cold and so she never leaves the side of her child, until today. She left the girl behind to cuddle with Arneis while she went to do herd leader things. It was time she pulled up her big girl pants and set out to make alliances. Still, the though of leaving Devi behind was rough. She almost let her daughter come along, but she decided it might not be the best decision for a new mother to bring her young daughter into an unknown territory. If it was still Valka here, sure, but this was something new entirely. The Bay stinks of stallion.

A black stallion suddenly emerges from the trees in the distance. A normal leader might prepare themselves for what might come next, but not Parvati. Except for thinking of Devi, she held no sense of danger here. Tinuvel was an island she should never have to worry. She could go nearly anywhere with no resistance, she was the Princess after all! Though someone new owned the Bay, she was sure father had already been here to let them know this island belonged to his family. Others can use it to make their own life, but they answered to King Solomon. Parvati felt a delightful sense of power here.

The closer the stallion gets the more she takes note of his odd body type. He was not made for the winters of Tinuvel so it was a surprise he still decided to stay in the Bay. A large smile extends on her pale lips as the stallion extends his muzzle in greeting. Parvati exchanges breaths with him in delight, happy that she was met this way instead of with anger. As long as he didn't try any strong arm tactics on her, she would not be running to tell daddy on this stallion. There was another she wished to whine about, but not this one.

"Hello and welcome to Tinuvel!" Her eyes beam with the light of her smile. "I have never seen you around these parts before, but then again I have been away for a few months myself." Parvati takes a deep breath before continuing. "My name is Parvati de Solomon, Princess of Tinuvel and new leader of the Inlet. It seems we are new neighbors!" She prays he will take her excitement well. They could be fast friends as long as he gives her the respect of her parentage.

♡ tinuvel princess & inlet leader ♡
love, dante | image from unsplash | Reference


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