The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in [Kanti]

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

The cold shores of the Bay greeted Fell with bleak indifference as he pulled himself and Kanti from the waves. He was secretly grateful for her obedience; he had never fought with someone while swimming before, and had not wanted to try that today. He had remained by her side, guiding her with one muscular shoulder and the occasional bump of muzzle on neck as they cut through the chilly, foam-tipped waves.

The weather had not been friendly to them on their journey from the Crossing, and it wasn’t getting any better upon their arrival to Tinuvel. Winter was in full swing on the Northern island, and the skies were angry and overcast. Despite the time of day, the Bay was blanketed in stormy darkness. Fell snorted in protest at the heavy clouds, twisting his curved ears back into his sodden ebony mane. He could not actually fight the weather, but he sure as hell didn’t have to like it.

Turning, Fell circled back to Kanti. He didn’t approach her with the same intensity or aggression as he had on the Crossing, but lacking the ability to speak, his communication could simply not happen without a level of coarseness. He pinned his ears for a brief moment as he tossed his head to her, gesturing for her to move inland. It was cold, and getting colder. It would probably snow, and he wouldn’t have her shivering on the beach in the middle of a blizzard.

As politely as he could, Fell attempted to drive Kanti into the shelter of the trees. Above them, thunder growled quietly, and the first fat flakes of snow began to drift down.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.

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