The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you Solomon... Kohelet's head raised from the bed of dried grasses she'd been eating from with a confused expression on her face, absolutely certain she had heard her father's name in a feminine voice. Curiosity drove her from the sheltered alcove in which she'd been resting and she moved idly toward the direction with her dark ears pricked curiously. Most of her siblings either remained in the Cove with their father, or had wandered off to begin their own lives in off-island locations. Parvati to Luthien, Bellona to the Crossing, and if the rumors were as true as her father believed they were, Vihar to Paradise.

Her gaze quickly found Fell and noticed the way his lithe both was held stiffly, as if the situation he was in was uncomfortable somehow. Her attention then shifted to the mare with him who was eagerly leaning forward - a situation that made jealousy prickle immediately to attention - and recognized who she was. Suddenly the 'de Solomon' made far more sense.

If seeing a nondescript mare with her partner had given rise to a bit of resentment, then seeing that it was her own sibling was like birthing a full-grown green dragon in her breast. Whether it was because Kohelet had never considered having to share a stallion with her sisters before or because of the heavy mood swings that accompanied her first pregnancy was unclear, but the fact remained that the realization of who was reaching eagerly for lover sent Kohelet's ears immediately pinning.

Only Fell's awkward head jerk toward the treeline offered the jealous young mare any comfort and even then it was only enough to unpin her ears and smooth the frown from her lips. She well remembered the intimate way that she and Fell had learned to communicate during those first few days of bliss and had no desire to tolerate her sister coming to know him in the same way.

She moved carefully across the icy landscape toward them, the slight rounding of her belly already beginning to alter the way that she moved. Kohelet was nowhere near whale status yet, but she could not deny that everything felt different.

"Parvati," Kohelet greeted. She was doing her best not to be rude, but that didn't mean she was willing to let things slide either. "I see you've met Fell," she said as she slowed to a halt at his side. While she hadn't called him 'my Fell' as she would have liked to, she implied it all the same by pressing her muzzle against his shoulder warmly and offering him an intimate smile.

The anxiety of having her lover stolen from her in any way - even if it had not been Parvati's intentions - kept Kohelet on edge and she turned her brown gaze up toward her sibling quickly with a question already on her lips. "What brings you back from Luthien?"
Mare // Two // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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