The Lost Islands

at night i dream..[Fell/Any]

The shadow woman had found herself restless within the endless expanse of desert. Though the evidence of life was abundant in the growing swell of bellies - filled with parasites growing - she found nothing of interest holding her within the Badlands. The brindled stallion she had followed had proven a disappointment. He seemed to be living the life of a family man and not beneath the self-proclaimed shroud befit of the monster he had claimed to be that fateful night. She slid away with the same easy steps that had led her within his borders. Without the constraint of a claim upon her pelt, she possessed the freedom to live her life independently.

She navigated the chilly waters with excited anticipation at the thought of beginning yet another chapter within her fresh start. The layers of her past have been peeled away to leave behind a pristine newness undisturbed by the more colorful aspects of herself. She has yet to provide insight into her previous life though she would more than likely refuse anyway. The chance to recreate oneself is rare and she will not contaminate her experiment by providing hints to the puzzle. She knows that her greatest enemy will be herself - for true change is often impossible when one does not see a problem within their actions.

She rises from the frothy waves like a siren emerging from the depths. Her daintily dished head and water-logged pelt are lovely despite their near drowned appearance. A quick shake of her body removes the less aggressive droplets and she finds herself pausing within the surf to take in the sights she has found. Her eyes are deep like the darkest of coffee - so much so that the iris is hard to distinguish against the ebony background. She sighs softly as she gazes and inhales deeply so as to ascertain the level of activity within a place enshrouded with snow-capped trees. The place reeks of populace as well, yet she finds herself wondering what creatures choose to continuously brave the icy chill.

The lithe mare moves far enough inland to find a comfortable enough place to lounge about as she dries and once again feels warmth beginning to seep into her bones. She chooses not to call out for whomever rules this strange piece of earth, but instead makes the choice to remain without intrusion. For all her wandering, she has never managed to understand why one would submit to live in a place constantly trying to freeze your breath and reduce your food supply beneath the murderous canopy of frost. Perhaps, once they find her, the person that lives here will prove more interesting than the ones she chose to leave behind.

Paperlace 7 years | mare | arabian mutt | 15.2hh | Untethered
love, dante
art by cutepup!


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