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Re(1): Electric Cars

I expect the same is true with this new conversion like it was when we moved from horse drawn to automobiles.

But you're a little behind the innovations. There are different kinds of chargers. The homebuilt costing $1k and often provided by the car sellers for your garage are overnight slow chargers.

Others fully charge in abt 40 minutes... the time it takes to have lunch on the road at a restaurant..and I'm sure the meter will charge you more for the fast charge ones both for the technology and the cost of the juice in both public and private parking lots.

Many truck fleets are converting to propane just like they use diesel today which will have no affect on personal vehicles. I think we'll always use mixed propulsion to get us around.

Good thinking ahead tho but you're not the only one worrying about solutions. I think it will be a good time for young people to get into electrical engineering and assembly. Be a lot of Reddy Kilowatt workers out there during the national conversion. IMHO, that'll take ten years, starting by 2024 when Ford rolls out their fleets to sell and the prices either come down or the govt subsidizes them.

The losers will be the shipping and pipe construction industries and the military who won't have to defend our oil supply around the world. I don't really know how many millions it takes to refine and haul and store gasoline in the oil distribution system. I'm sure the oil companies know exactly.

Reminds me of a chapter in Naisbitt's Megatrends book I read years ago... the oil industry execs have read that book. Naisbitt's prime example was suggesting the railroad industry change its outlook to being in the "TRANSPORTATION" business, not the train business. Similarly, if the oil industry intends to survive to changing technology, they will (and ARE) declaring themselves in the ENERGY business. I've been reading up on this.

If my offspring were just starting out, I'd suggest they look at ELECTRICAL engineering rather than CHEMISTRY, which is what one kid did. The other's a structural engineer, so she'll do fine so long as we built tall buildings and renonvate them.

My background was lowly journalism, something the internet economics have decimated--tho at mid career, I moved to IT in the 80s when computing became widespread. While I programmed, I also wrote user interface design and documentation, using my first career skills as my most valuable computer industry skill. It was valuable because those in the new computer industry were more focused on hardware, distribution and sofware...and totally ignored teaching users how to use the new computers. Thats where I became useful with my writing and graphics skills. So it was a good run.

I wrote this simply to illustrate the need for the working class to keep their heads up and re-skill for changing times, like this one! Not just for you 4 active visitors...but parts of this will show up elsewhere on the internet because I still do it voluntarily while living off my retirement benefits.


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