The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

Kohelet tried not to bother Fell too much. She knew that her tendency to fret and worry often grated on those around her, and Fell could not tell her when he'd had enough. Knowing that did nothing to lessen her anxiety, of course, but it did mean that she tried to limit the number of times she sought him out each day for the simple comfort of his companionship and touch.

She followed along the faint trail of his scent with the intent of finding him, and in doing so, soothing her fears over impending motherhood and Fell's health and the herd's wellbeing, and, and, and. She hadn't seen him since the wee hours of the morning and she craved the warmth of his body pressed against her own, especially if she could somehow find him alone somewhere. Kohelet knew that she couldn't have Fell to herself forever - a lesson she'd learned while living in her sire's massive herd - but it did mean that she cherished their moments alone now more than ever. It reminded her of her beautiful first days in the Bay, when she and Fell had had nothing but time to learn about and get to know each other.

Her heart leapt at the sight of Fell, and she nickered warmly to him, but the sound cut off abruptly in surprise as she noticed the roaned mare beside him. Kohelet cursed inwardly, believing that she had accidentally interrupted a private conversation, and her dark cheeks grew warm in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said anxiously, her ears ticking to and fro. "I didn't mean to intrude."

She was already backing to leave when a number of things about the pretty mare caught her eye at once. First, the mare was still soaking wet; second, she was wounded; and third, her eyes were a unique shade of milky blue that seemed to imply some sort of impairment. Kohelet's gaze darted back to Fell, and read his face before putting her hoof back down from it's ready-to-leave position. Hesitantly, with a soft and worried voice, the tobiano mare addressed them both with a general question. Fell might not be able to verbally respond, but she knew his face would convey whether she was welcome here or not. "... Is everything okay?"
Mare // Two // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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