The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

Following the lithe black stallion just felt right, as if she'd magically found her purpose in the world. It wasn't that she was naive enough to believe he was flawless, but with Fell she found it easy to imagine a happy future together. A part of her had always feared that she would end up in a situation like Wren or Aundra, where she was stuck somewhere where she wasn't really happy. It was a risk any horse took when they went out to find a new home, but one she had dreaded. Like he had with all of her other worries, Fell seemed to lift that one from her shoulders as well.

Her curly-eared leader seemed to contemplate her question before turning solemnly and beginning to lead her deeper into the Bay. Kohelet was forever distracted by the subtle differences between her birthplace and her new home, but not even the scenery could keep at least one of her ears trained in his direction, even while she eagerly looked around. The familiar mountains helped to ground her, even though they were at a new angle now. Occasionally she would surge ahead just enough to casually touch him, as if to reassure herself, and then would fall back into line, freshly comforted.

Eventually, they reached a pretty little clearing already dusted by autumn snowfall. Icicles hung chandelier-like from lazy-branched pine trees, adding charm to a place that was already bursting with it. She peeked, wide-eyed, around his rump to peer at his chosen location, and instinctively smiled. The mountains lent themselves to a select number of waterfalls, but none she had ever come across had the same sheltered feeling as this one. Water gurgled from high above and trickled down, only to meld into a narrow-banked stream with edges rimmed by ice. She wasn't sure if rocks or ice had narrowed the stream above, but it sounded as if it would be fast enough to stay unfrozen for at least a while longer, which was a precious find in and of itself. Chewing snow during a blizzard and freezing yourself from inside out was always a miserable feeling, and she relished the prospect of avoiding it for a while longer.

"It's beautiful," she murmured, eyes wide. Entranced, the young mare sidled forward with a brush of her muzzle against his shoulder and lowered her head to sniff at the moss-laden rocks. The lichen here was greener here than what she had seen in the Cove, probably owing to the amount of sunlight this clearing likely saw. For old time's sake, she nibbled at a loose flake of moss and smirked at the peppery taste. She and Shiloh had dared each other to eat some once, and while unpleasant, the taste still reminded her of her childhood.

"My sister promised to do my bidding for a whole fortnight if I ate some once," she said around a smile; Koh remembered holding her to that for about three days before getting distracted during one of their other games and forgetting all about it. Curling to look back at him from beneath the fall of her dark forelock, she allowed him in on the joke. "She didn't really think I would take her up on her dare... but it's really not bad, just bitter."

Being daring wasn't something that Kohelet was particularly good at nor something she did often, although when provided with suitable inspiration, even she could be temporarily convinced to let go of her worry long enough to prove someone wrong. She was normally a more reserved sort of mare, despite her mother's personality. Sicily was a fierce mother, one that was firm but fair with her children, no matter how much trouble they got into... and Lorenzo got into a lot of trouble.

Kohelet returned to his side, picking her way neatly through the stones with practiced ease. She'd never bothered to count the number of times she'd raced Shiloh down the mountain, dodging rocks and boulders to avoid tripping. She'd also never bothered to count the number of times she'd failed and ended up eating dirt, but she had no intention of mentioning those times to Fell. Unable to not touch him when he was near, she pressed the length of her slender body against his and sighed contently.

The tobiano understood that he could not speak, but that had not dissuaded her from wanting to learn everything that she possibly could about him. Resolving to stick to yes or no questions, she peered back at him with an inquisitive tilt of her head. "Did it snow where you are from?"
Mare // Two // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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