The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Fell had made the assumption that Kohelet would eventually come across them, and he gave a short sigh of relief when Kohelet herself confirmed his guess. She nickered in greeting as she approached them, and Fell stepped toward her, sending little puffs of steam against her muzzle as he pressed his whiskered lips against her nose. She began to take a retreating step backward as she saw Maziel standing beside him, but seemed to notice that things were not exactly what they looked like, and placed her hoof back down with a crunch on the frozen earth.

Luckily for Fell, Maziel began to fill Kohelet in immediately, outlining her experience in the storm before washing up on the shores of the Bay. She pressed a grateful touch to his shoulder as she spoke, causing Fell’s skin to jump, but not unpleasantly; he just hadn’t expected her to want to get that close already, so soon after he’d so rudely startled her by wordlessly invading her space multiple times on the beach.

She finished by telling Kohelet about Mariael, and Fell’s curious yellow gaze turned to his painted mate. He wondered if she would recognize the name, or even know where the missing sister was. Even if Fell knew anything about Mariael, there wasn’t much he could do to help. His gaze shifted between the two mares, curiosity keeping him rooted there despite him having little he could contribute. As he listened for Kohelet’s response, he slinked forward to stand next to her, pressing the swell of her belly into the dip of his flank.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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