The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

Kohelet appreciatively returned the gentle puffs of Fell's breath, relishing in the comfort that they brought her. She was not cut out to be alone, and to be so for any part of the day left her on edge and uneasy. She knew such things could not be helped and that it was ridiculous of her to want the pacifier of his company at all times, but she could not change what her heart wanted.

Thankfully, the roan mare was quick to explain what happened and Kohelet frowned in sympathy. She couldn't imagine being tossed off course by the sea only to end up wounded and alone somewhere you hadn't intended to go, especially if you could not see the world around you. The tobiano doesn't miss her casual reference of a partner either, and she tucks that knowledge away to worry about later, when she was alone.

Strangely, seeing the roan mare reach out to touch Fell gratefully did not spark jealousy in her breast, and she repressed a smile at his small startle, chewing on the inside of her cheek to keep the amusement from showing. He was normally so composed (at least in her eyes) that she hadn't seen him jump at much at all since she'd met him, let alone from something as innocuous as a thank-you touch.

"I can imagine," Kohelet murmured, amazed they had made it this far with her blindness and Fell's muteness. Even a deaf horse would have had an easier time, she thought, given that they could see Fell's body language. "Fell is good at taking care of me, too," she murmured warmly, favoring him with a smile before turning her gaze back to the nameless mare.

Her secondary statement causes a furrow in the painted mare's brow and she considers what the roan was asking. Kohelet did not often travel to the other herds, but she did linger near the low hills of the mountain where the Cove, Bay and Arch all met. She assumed that this would eventually change as she grew more confident in the Bay and Fell amassed his own herd, but for now the proximity to her family was a way to soothe some of her own constant fears. In this particular instance, it afforded her at least a base understanding of what was happening on the island.

"She's not here, I don't think. At least not in the Arch," Kohelet offered, her tone apologetic. "I don't think my father has added anyone new to the Cove recently," this was... unusual, but not particularly surprising. When danger threatened the family, Kohelet knew that Solomon rarely left home and mares rarely trickled in on their own these days. "But my brother Suleiman in the Arch might have. Or Parvati, in the Inlet?"

The latter was a longshot which was reflected in her uncertain tone, largely because Kohelet didn't understand what her half-sister was up to. Everyone in the Cove knew she'd claimed the Thicket some time ago, not only because it was unusual for one of Solomon's daughters to take such a step, but also because the other rumor was three times juicier. If the rumors were true, Parvati had kept a herd of stallions to herself like a stallion kept mares. It was so preposterous and yet no one could disprove it. Kohelet had even taken a turn peering curiously into the Inlet, hoping to spot this mysterious cadre of men, but had seen on Parvati and a lone stallion taking care of an adorable little filly.

"Once you've healed, I-," her gaze cut back to Fell again as he settled alongside her and she favored him with a smile. "-We can maybe help you search. How long ago did she leave?"

Even as she finished speaking, she was already curling back into Fell's warmth gratefully, leaning the rest of her body against him and pressing a contented kiss to the point of his shoulder as she waited for the roan mare's response.
Mare // Two // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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