The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

He did not feel the brush of her lips against his feathered leg, but he did sense that she was reaching for him, and Fell turned in time to watch as some enormous force gripped Kohelet with iron, unforgiving fingers. Fell could not tear his gaze away, and his anxiety heightened as he got his first good look at the agonized, desperate expression on Kohelet’s face. Worried, he dipped his muzzle down to hers with a silent nicker, brushing his lips lightly against her whiskered nose.

When she suddenly sucked in air as though she had been drowning, Fell yanked back in alarm. His eyes roved over her face, throat, chest, to see if there was anything visibly wrong, until he saw movement in his peripheries.

Fell and Kohelet craned their heads at the same time to watch the tiny bundle squirm in the wet strands of Kohelet’s tail. Fascinated, Fell took a single, uncharacteristically tentative step closer.

“Koh,” he coughed. He was taken aback by the immediate pull he felt toward the gangly little creature.

This is… mine.

The world was cold, and bright, and harsh.

The tiny black creature thrashed weakly, trying to breathe the bitter dry air. It did not know any of the smells, or the blurry shapes it could see through slitted eyes. Pitifully, it bleated for help from the source of warmth behind it.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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