The Lost Islands

the pony queen

mare | shetland x andalusian mutt | homeless

It’d been a few days since her arrival to Tinuvel, and in her time, already she’d met with the head of the monarch, Solomon. The lean stud was unique, that was for sure, and the nameless blue mare didn’t know what to make of him quite yet. Never in her life had she met a stallion who was not eager to rush her to their harem and increase the size of his family. Or at the very least encourage her to stay in his company. She wasn’t sure if she liked that about him or not. At least, not yet.

The blue mare was on the move, slowly navigating through the various territories of the chilly island. Eventually, she finds herself standing upon an unfamiliar shoreline, water sloshing in small waves against the island's rim. The trees were vast and foreboding. That was when something that caught her attention made her give pause… She didn’t see it at first, she’d heard it.

Caw! Caw!

Aside, her attention would turn to the face of a mighty ledge that stood tall over the water and that’s when she noted one of the resident ravens of the Bay. Her ears perked forward, and her blue eyes glittered in the soft golden light of early morning. A second joined it on that ledge, perching together. Quietly, she observed as they went about their business; preening, ruffling feathers before they started bickering… as birds were known to do. They left their perched positions, fluttered about, and one flew overhead, scurrying away, before the dominant party landed only a few strides away, plucking at a bit of sun-bleached driftwood.

To any other horse, this wouldn’t have been anything noteworthy. But to the nameless blue mare? This was a sign from the gods her mother and aunt had droned on about, all of her life. She’d never personally experienced such a thing before. Of course, she’d seen birds before, and she even enjoyed when sparrows would perch upon her mane, withers, spine, and rump; they often would keep troublesome pests away… But she’d never been approached so blatantly by one of the messengers, before. So she was inclined to believe in what she’d always been taught. It never once occurred to her to think that these birds may have been desensitized to the presence of a horse. It had to be divine intervention.

... It HAD to be!

Eventually, it flew away and her gaze followed it, almost longingly. “ Wait! “ she cried out very suddenly. “ What are you trying to tell-- “ She would run after the bird, but fate had a different idea in store for her, as she staggered, and lagged behind. She managed to correct and steady herself, so she didn’t take a nasty spill… But it disappeared over the treeline. She felt her heartstrings tug, and she would follow suit in the direction she’d last spotted it.

She’d run through the treeline, almost frantically. Periodically, she’d catch a glimpse of the bird. Right for a while, sharp left… She weaved in and out of trees, but suddenly the woodlands grew denser, and she lost sight of the crow. Her black and pink rimmed nostrils were paper-thin, and her breath was audible, shooting in and out of her nares like a great engine was firing within the depths of her chest. She stomped a hoof against the earth, cursing out in a foreign tongue, “ Helvítis djöfulsins! “ the mare hissed…

But what made matters worse? She was lost now, too… She just hadn’t realized it, yet.

html © riley | image © silentium-est-aureum | character © glory


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