The Lost Islands

the pony queen

mare | shetland x andalusian mutt | homeless


His hoof crashed against the rocky ground, foliage and stone alike shifting noisily underfoot. This makes her turn, and there he stood; he emerged from the trees like a shadow of muscle and mass… Mist spilled out of his nose, as though a great engine roared just flesh deep in the barrel of his chest. He was like a beast out of the sagas told to her when she was a filly. “ Hver ertu? “ she asked curiously. It was instinct for her to use the tongue she was most familiar with, but it doesn’t occur to her that perhaps he couldn’t understand her, anyways. Or, at least, respond.

The nameless blue mare is cautious, in her approach; but it is more than clear that she has a strong heart… At least, judging by the way that all signs say that she should flee from this stranger, curiosity and interest not only kept her there but encouraged her closer to the tall, inky stranger with golden eyes. She wouldn’t hesitate to extend her neck and offer her ebon nose to the stranger in greeting, ears perking out of her scruffy mane, showcasing that she was friendly. Or, at least, friendly enough.

“ Are you the one, then? “ she asks, practically whispering to the stud who stands before her. “ Why… you’re no different than an ordinary horse. “ she murmurs, drawing back to some degree before averting her gaze up, and towards the pine canopy that kept the warmth of morning’s light mostly off them. “ Why would they lead me to you? “ she seems to ask herself, more than him.

html © riley | image © silentium-est-aureum | character © glory


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