The Lost Islands

the pony queen

mare | shetland x andalusian mutt | homeless

The nameless blue woman heeded nothing. She had no way of knowing that stomp was a warning, and if she had? She’d have laughed, for she had contended against beasts leaps and bounds more frightening than an inky stallion who seemed to have lost his voice. He behaved curiously in response to her questions, which she didn’t particularly mind. After all, everyone was strange… to her, anyways.

Perhaps she was strange to him, too?

He pulled his nose away after their greetings had been issued, and curiosities sated. He drew closer to her, though, and she took the time to observe each immaculate detail of his form. She’d never seen another with such purity to his coal-kissed form and it was intriguing. It was as though he were forged by the shadows themselves. He was close enough now that his barrel nearly touched her own. But the nameless blue mare could have never anticipated what would happen next: She felt teeth rake her rear, as he bites her rump. It is a firm, sizable pinch between his teeth.

All hell broke loose.

The nameless blue mare would have earned a namesake at that moment, had her burly buckskin mother been present: The bite was jolting, and she’d lift her head suddenly, bits of scruffy forelock tossing from the abrupt motion. Her ears pinned back, and an offended squeal would have left her maw. If the wordless stallion wanted to dance, she’d indulge him. If he didn’t pull away quick enough, he might have felt the rump he’d bitten bump him in the lips in a harmless smack as she kicked. Fortunately for Fell, he was not within range of her feet, so her hooves ate nothing except for the crisp morning air.

But her head would snake aside, as her black and pink lips peeled back, with teeth that would undoubtedly make her point very, very clear. She aimed for any part of him she could but most likely would have caught his barrel, near the topline of his spine.

Despite the intensity of the moment, he could pick up from the energy that flowed through her smaller form that she was not, in fact, angry with him. But she certainly wasn’t a mare who allowed herself to be pushed about by anyone.

… Not even if they’re a little cute, and managed to very abruptly catch her interest.

html © riley | image © silentium-est-aureum | character © glory


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