The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies open

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

Summer had finally returned to Tinuvel, and the land was blooming beneath the increased sunshine. Kohelet trailed her muzzle along a set of meadow flowers with a smile but dared not take her eyes off of little Khoshekh lest he get himself into some sort of trouble. She adored her little shadow (and her big shadow too), but had learned over time that if there was some sort of naughtiness to be had, Kho would almost certainly find it.

The herd grazed nearby and she let her gaze rove over them thoughtfully, wishing that she could encourage the quieter mares to spend more time together. She wanted to know more about them, if only so that she could find ways to help them be more comfortable. Tinuvel was a harsh mistress, and the mildness of summer made it a perfect time to acquaint oneself with the land so that when the snow and cold arrived, they would know where to find sustenance, water, and shelter.

And, if she were honest with herself, Kohelet wanted friends. Most of her time in the Bay had been spent with Fell and Khoshekh, and while she adored both of the men in her life, she craved having a best friend of her own. Someone to keep her company and to keep her mind off of what Fell was doing when he wasn't directly beside her, and someone she could vent to when her precocious son was stomping on her last nerve. Mostly, she just wanted someone she could talk to.

Kohelet angled herself toward the nearest mare and nickered quietly in greeting before shifting closer and settling a companionable distance away. Her heart thrummed with nerves, but a hopeful smile curled along her lips as she stretched forward to offer her muzzle for an exchange of breaths. She kept her voice soft so as not to attract the children running around (although she dared not look away from them for too long), and gestured toward her new companion. "How are you settling in?"
Mare // Three // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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