The Lost Islands

We found each other in the dark [Ramiel, any]

Through the black starless water,
And the cold lonely air. On the rock restless seas.

She felt ridiculous. Overcome and overwhelmed with grief, worry, shame, and failure. It was awful. The tears felt like they'd never stop, but through it all, Ramiel remained a steadfast fixture at her side. His face stayed the same, warm and concerned, as she wailed. And even after she finally regained some semblance of composure, he was thoughtful about his words. Somehow, the young stallion knew just what she needed to hear.

Her gold-flecked gaze looked out at the calm waters at the mouth of the Inlet as he spoke, but one golden ear swiveled in his direction. He was right - for all her siblings knew, they thought their dam was dead. Maybe her too. But Vita Nova was alive and well, and clearly so was she. One day, their paths may cross again. While this answer was certainly logical and rational, it didn't do much to quell what she was feeling right now. Maybe it was childish, but she longed for an immediate fix to this void in her life. She needed them here now. However selfish that may be.

In the months she spent away from the islands, Tavas life had changed by drastic proportions. While she had many emotions for Warsaw and the way he had micromanaged her young adult life, she realized during this time how hard he had worked and how much he'd made happen for her. Whatever she wanted, it was given it her. With his death came the stripping of her princess title. Whatever 'royalty' she was during his reign was now null and void. There was no one here who was loyal to that regime any longer. Sometimes it felt like it was all a dream. And now Tavas was having to forge a life for herself - make all of her own decisions, and be held accountable for them.

Wasn't this the life she always wanted? It was easy to feel unsure of that now, as it unfolded. Finding Zevulun was a strike of fate... and she used his family - her new family - as a safety blanket. Perhaps that would suffice for now.

The palomino mare nodded solemnly to Ramiel, agreeing with his sentiments but too lost in her own thoughts and memories to form any kind of coherent response. When he agreed to move on to the Bay, she breathed a sigh of relief. She offered him a weak smile before croaking, "Please, lead the way."


The jaunt to the other side of the island wasn't a swift one, and they traveled in mostly silence. Every so often Tavas' gaze would trail down a familiar path, ones that she knew could take her to the Cove. Her heat beat quickened when she thought just how close she was to Solomon, right here and now, and how easy it would be to alter her plans and see him today. But she'd stiffen and trudge on after Ramiel instead - after her display in the Inlet, he deserved her company in the Bay.

She never spent much time here, despite how close they lived nearby. Vita Nova never wanted to visit the Bay, at least not with her. Her dam always spoke of her memories here fondly, but in a way that seemed private, and not for anyone else. Tavas didn't blame her for that. She'd lived this whole life before she'd met Warsaw. But Tavas would be lying if she said she didn't wish she knew more about her relationship with Nephilim. It sounded wildly romantic and tragic at the same time.

"So what do you remember about the Bay?" Tavas asked as they neared the border.

Palomino | Mare | Vita Nova x Nephilim | 15h | Photo © Carina Mailwald |©Vinyl


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