The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

There was a moment in the midst of their dance where Fell and the nameless stranger stood upright together, suspended in the morning sun, their weight supported by the other. One gold iris watched the blue of the mare’s eye as she struck out like a snake, so quickly and yet Fell seemed to watch it happen in slow motion. Then her teeth pinched the skin of his neck, and he squealed silently, the sensation far more exhilarating than it was painful.

And then they were grounded again, and the blue mare gave an energetic buck, her hooves striking the air next to him, too far away it to be an unintentional miss. Fell tossed his head dramatically despite the lack of contact, his ears pinning and then flipping forward again as she took off. Fell gave chase almost simultaneously, as though he could feel the preparation of her muscles before the movements were even followed through.

She was, in fact, headed toward the Bay herd, but at this point in time Fell had ruled her out as a threat. His chasing after her had far more to do with the nature of the game they were playing than with any actual desire to stop her in her tracks.

He dove headlong into the pines behind her, dipping beneath branches and leaping over fallen logs and stones, nimble within his familiar home. His head soon hovered near her hip as they ran, where he clicked his teeth harmlessly as though to goad her forward. He snaked his head low, and attempted to steer her this way and that, but there was no destination in mind; it was simply good fun, the thrill of the chase. At times, Fell would linger back, letting her get ahead of him, but never out of sight — only to push forward, working his muscles to tear at the ground in order to catch up again. His breath came in great huffs, and sweat began to lather in the corners of his dark body where his skin moved the most, but he did not tire. At least, not enough to stop any time soon.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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