The Lost Islands

a paper crown and a heart made of glass

no one to love you when you trap yourself inside

The path between the Cove to the Inlet was a long one, but one she was pleased to make. Though she wasn’t the happiest about the leader of the Inlet being her young, promiscuous, daughter she was glad it was back within her family line. Tinvuel lived and breathed in her soul, but the Inlet was by far a big piece of her heart. She was born and raised there. Isabel was born there…so was Haskuldr. Not to mention all the blood of her family shed protecting that land. This might make you think she wanted to go back, but in truth the Cove was her home. The Cove held her sense of duty, pride, and her new family. The very large family was joined of her own free will and she vowed to protect them.

Solomon’s family was just as much as part of her being as her own blood. That being said, she still visits the Inlet often to check in on Parvati. She had the idea of sending young Nico to help protect his sister once he grew a little older. She thought about sending Sigmund or one of her half brothers, but so far no one agreed. A sigh leaves the mare's lips as she begins her walk from the Cove to see her child. Typically, she does not take the path through the Bay, but today something felt different. Instinct guides her in this direction so Ysabel follows blindly like she always does. Her instinct has proven to be right majority of the time so she had reason to doubt it now.

As she carefully walks through the Bay she is curious of the new stallion that resides here. She knows nothing about him, but his scent was all over the Bay. All she knows was that one of Solomon's daughters had come here so she came assume this was a safe path to travel. The Queen was sure Solomon has already talked to the stallion by now considering he still holds his title as King. She nears closer to the Inlet as voices become audible in the distance. She does not recognize them, the voices were not familiar, but it was the smell that intrigues her closer. Something about them reminded her of the way her father smelled...and of Tavas.

She hasn’t seen Tavas in
so long...Tavas was a memory from so long ago that she could barely think of the mare's face. Ysabel thinks she might not recognize her, but as soon as the palomino comes into veiw, a flood of memories washes over her. From the young version of Requiem owning the Bay (Tavas being his only mare at the time before Bjorn ripped her away from him), to Warsaw sending herself to Bjorn as a gift. Ysabel stands frozen in plain veiw just staring at the group gathering around her lost family member.

♡ sovereign queen of cove / tinuvel ♡
love, dante | image from unsplash


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