The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Vaguely, Fell was aware that Maziel and her foal had run away. He immediately ceased to worry about them, and focused all of his energy on punishing the palomino interloper. As he had gone for the pale stallion’s face and throat, the other male had lifted into a rear, prompting Fell to rise as well. His window to grasp the golden throat of the intruder had closed, and for a moment the two of them stood clashed together, forehooves lashing to find purchase on one another.

As quickly as they had risen into the air together, Fell and Dreadstag hit the ground once again. They remained pressed together as the paler male spun around to fire off a series of kicks. Instead of dodging away, Fell pressed himself closer to the rump of the intruder, lessening the space he had to gain a truly dangerous momentum with his hooves. He threw in a few kicks of his own, hoping to land a good bruise or two into the scarred hide of his opponent, but Fell was equally limited by the space between them.

They disentangled themselves then, after what was probably only a few seconds of scuffle, but which felt much longer. Fell turned to face the rival stud, favoring one hind leg as he had caught at least one of the many kicks thrown at him. He eyed the other male, taking note of the palomino’s bone structure and height, which were both similar to Fell’s except that the black stud was a little taller, and a little more lightly muscled.

His breath was coming in huffs, but overall Fell was far more exhilarated (and angry) than he was tired. He pinned his ears and threw his head up at the other stallion, ready for a second round despite the pain in his hind leg.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.

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