The Lost Islands

missing you (open)

She felt like she had become a hermit recently. She entered a period of mourning since she came to the Bay. She didn't have enough time to mourn her beloved's death in her homeland. All the screaming and chaos was too much and ran away. She always felt like a coward for running away. Pity that her mate didn't have a brother. He was adopted as a newborn, and his adoptive mother thought he was a gift from the Gods. Her mate didn't believe her and sent out search parties to find the parents. The parties were unsuccessful, and the mare raised the colt as his own. Kanti loved him deeply, and now he was gone and her heart was empty. She wanted to get it full of love again, but it was going to take her some time. She felt like it was time to socialize again and hopefully make a friend. She used to have friends when she was queen. Her friends loved her, but they got scared and ran away when her mate started to act aggressively. This irked her a little, she often wondered from time to time about where they went to.
She was going to take advantage of this sunny summer day and meet someone. She walked along the shoreline and stopped to look at the sea in front of her. One of these days she'll go back in the water, but not yet. Then she resumed walking, and it wasn't very long till she saw another horse. She let out a friendly neigh to the horse.

Mustang x Andalusian | Silver Grullo | 14.3hh | Former Queen

OOC:open for anything really


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