The Lost Islands

Don't go crying to your momma

cause you're on your own in the real world

Maybe his speechlessness would have bothered her in a different setting, but today she was ecstatic with it. It didn't occur to her that Fell might have trouble communicating. Her first thought was that he was blown away by her. Blown away by her energy, her smile, her looks...did he think she was pretty? The color flushes to her cheeks as he fidgets uncomfortably. The two of them couldn't be more different from each other. Parvati did not understand his body language in the slightest, but at least she wasn't offended by his lack of words. Instead, she was flattered. Her eyes flutter in a flirtatious manner as he steps to the side and jerks his head as if to invite her in. The only thing running in her mind was how this stallion was attracted to her and how he was inviting her into the Bay.

Not only could this mean they could be friends, but there was an opportunity for so much more! Her leg raises with the need to dash forward into the Bay with her boundless energy, but the approach of another stops her. She smiles as she focuses her gaze upon one of her many sisters of the Cove. It was so hard to keep track of them all! Parvati barely knew any of them personally so she knew she was bound to run into a sibling here and there. By the look of her, it seems sister Kohelet has already settled in the Bay with this stallion. Parvati couldn't say he wasn't jealous, he was handsome, but she also had her own lover at home. Though it was too early for her belly to swell, she too was with child.

Fell...her sister says his name as she comes closer to him. Kohelet touches his shoulder in a way Parvati knows all too well. She has done it herself, but she also was aware that a taken man was a desired one. She smiles at her sister, nods her head to Fell, then returns her gaze to Kohelet when she speaks again. "I am back on Tinuvel. A bit of a long story, but I own the Inlet now." She beams with pride knowing what the Inlet meant to her grandmother. It was nice to know she has some part in keeping her family ties on Tinuvel. "I must say, Fell," she turns her attention back to the ebony stallion. "Your ears are very cool!" Parvati has never seen ears that curve like that before. Not even Ra from Salem had ears like that though his body figure was similar to Fell's. She wonders what made them like that.

"So anyway," she says looking between the two of them. The air suddenly felt uncomfortable..."I was just stopping by to make sure the Bay and the Inlet could be friends. I noticed the scent was different than father's lover Valka so I was praying Tinuvel was still under dad's rule." Blue eyes shift to her sister for confirmation. Seeing Kohelet with Fell gave her hope that it was true. Solomon was still a King, she was still a Princess.

♡ tinuvel princess & inlet leader ♡
love, dante | image from unsplash | Reference

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