The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

The moment the blue mare hit the brakes, Fell flew past her in shock, narrowly avoiding a collision with her pivoting hindquarters. Slamming his own hooves into the ground, he quickly reoriented himself, and made to chase after her again before realizing that she was not dashing away from him with the same vigor as she had been. Her little roan body still seemed to crackle with an intoxicating energy, but it was no longer directed at Fell. Her attention had been caught by something else.

A strange feeling of almost-jealousy made the Marwari stallion narrow his eyes as he followed after her. Why wasn’t she playing with him anymore? What was so interesting that could pull such a feisty creature from (what Fell believed to be) an excellent game of chase?

When he heard the rush of running water, Fell understood, and felt rather silly for very nearly feeling jealous. He caught up to her as she slowed, and matched her pace, their breath billowing out and mingling as it filled the air around their heads with steam. He could hear her breath coming in great gasps, but Fell did not suspect she was truly tired. His breath, as well, came huffing out of him like bellows to a flame.

When she entered the stream, Fell lingered behind, watching her without shame. He appreciated her stamina, the energy that seemed to overflow from her, the muscles that rolled and coiled beneath the silver-blue of her coat. He doubted she would allow him to approach without consequence, should he wade into the water behind her, but Fell was nothing if not persistent. It would have been uncharacteristic of him not to try.

Brisk water cut through the coarse feathers of his forelegs as he stepped off the bank and into the current. It was shocking, but felt delicious on his skin. He could not see the steam rolling off of himself, but he could see it wafting about Blue, and so he could only assume he was haloed with it as well. He took another step, his hooked ears touching above his crown, great black head lowering to drink as the water rose to his knees —

A squeal very nearly broke through his muteness, in part because of the sudden movement, but mostly due to the shock of frigid water as it caught him in the face. Fell’s head came up and back, his neck pulling up as his muzzle tossed high in the air. He gave a shake, a competitive energy overtaking him, and with a smirk Fell bunched his hindquarters and reared. He came down with force, driving deeper into the creek as he did so, plunging his chest into the water so that a great wave might splatter against Blue, should she fail to scramble away.

He took a moment to drink, one golden eye peering at the blue mare as he did so. After they had both drank their fill, Fell waded toward the little roan mare, daring to get close again despite the earlier punishment. If she let him this time, the Marwari stallion would give her a playful (if a little rough) nip on the cheek before wheeling around and scrambling ungracefully from the creek. It was an invitation for another game of chase, and Fell’s sodden tail slapped at his flanks as he found his footing on solid ground and braced himself for a good shake. He peered around himself back toward the creek to see if Blue would follow him, ready for a good lashing before he was allowed to drive her around again. The herd was nearby, and though Fell’s belly was full of water, the ache of hunger was beginning to grip him. No better way to end a fine game of chase than a good graze.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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