The Lost Islands

and I miss summertime

asking where the time's gone, dreaming with the lights on
trying to keep your eyes on something along the rise
you and I bide our time... and I miss summertime

Ramiel frowned. “How do you know for sure? It’s been years, Maziel, you said so yourself.” Doubt gently weighed down his tone.

“Ysabel?!” Tavas’s voice broke through their conversation and both horses (as well as baby Charmeine at her mother’s hip) lifted their heads and pointed their ears toward the palomino mare. “Ysabel!” She yelled again, and Ramiel saw the mare standing down the way who Tavas was heading toward.

Ysabel, he knew that name. Apparently you both have a sister who lives in the Cove. Her name is Ysabel. Ramiel frowned, then looked back at Maziel and huffed a small sigh. “I’m sorry, I think that mare is my sister, but I’ve never had the chance to meet her. Can we speak of Mariael later?”

“Of course,” Maziel said. “I would like to meet her too. Lead me.” Even if she could walk the Bay with familiar ease, it was always much easier to follow the scent and close sounds of family. She could always trust they would guide her safely.

Ramiel walked in Tavas’s path, coming up behind his aunt to look with curious hopefulness at the mare he only knew by name and some story. He didn’t say anything, though, just hovered back and allowed Tavas the moment to reunite with Ysabel. Maziel seemed to understand the protocol as well, hanging back herself and even taking a moment to groom her daughter and let the filly nurse.

— ☼ —


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