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The Lost Islands


Here players may come to create The Lost Islands' next generation. Please consult the Rules page before posting here to breed your characters to ensure you understand the process and options available.

For each breeding, a request may be made for the gender of the foal, and the presence (not zygosity) of a gene for free. If you choose to randomize all other stats for the foal, you may request a healthy foal. Any further customization of the foal would require a custom foal perk.

Please ensure that you have included all necessary information, including stats, perk use, player permissions, and any requests before you post. Please also make sure that you respond to any further choices the mods give you.

Foals that are not named by the time the boards are updated may be deleted and considered stillborn, so please ensure the player of the foal names them promptly and includes any information about defects or chimeric expression (if applicable).

rise in perfect light

6 years
Bay (Ee Aa)
Dutch Warmblood
16.2 hh

Artem's more or less a nice person: proud and not the best at comforting words or compliments, but not purposefully rude or brash. He's not the most talkative, but would be happy to listen to her talk or with companionable silence. He'd want to stay with her as she wanders, but if she up and disappeared one day he likely wouldn't search for her endlessly--after a day or two he'd probably just assume she got tired of him and go be sad on his own lol.


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