The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

As Khoshekh had grown and matured, Kohelet found herself with a little more free time. It was a hard transition for the first-time mother, and one that came with it's own share of brand new worries, but one that she knew better than to fight. Little Khos needed time with his brothers and his fathers, not just with her. And he was already old enough to be weaned, although she never turned him away when he asked for a drink.

She wasn't sure what to do with herself when she was alone anymore. The world seemed too big without her son by her side and she drifted aimlessly along the beach with one ear tipped toward the ocean idly. Kohelet was not one to want to leave the Bay; she was far too happy here with her small family and the warmth of Fell at her side, but after her experience with the little blind mare, she had begun to scan the beach at least once a day to look for stragglers. Since Fell couldn't exactly talk to them, she had taken it upon herself to become the Bay's one-horse welcoming committee.

The sound of a soft nicker roused the young mare from her thoughts and she lifted her gaze to see the slender grayish mare ahead. She was a familiar face in the Bay, but not one that Kohelet had managed to speak to yet. She carried herself as if she was burdened by grief, and the tobiano mare had been loathe to try and force her into a conversation. But if she was inviting one? Kohelet wasn't about to turn it down. Lifting her dark head, Koh nickered softly back and picked her way along the beach to join the silvery mare.

Before she made it to her, however, a strange stallion appeared and made his way directly to Kanti. It set every hair on Kohelet's fur on edge and she lifted her head to call out for Fell to warn him - but he was already there. While the overo stallion hadn't attempted to drive the silvery coated mare away from the Bay, it was obvious from Fell's reaction that he was an enemy of the herd. Fear made her heart thrum anxiously in her chest but she wasted no more time and threw herself toward the scuffle. She knew that she would not be much help in the battle - nor would she risk what she guessed was a very early pregnancy of her own - and so she concentrated her efforts in rushing toward Kanti in an attempt to draw her away from the fight.

"It's going to be okay," she murmured hurriedly, stretching out her muzzle to bump Kanti's neck in what she hoped ws a reassuring gesture. "Let's let them fight it out. Fell won't let anything happen to you."

As she waited for Kanti's reaction, she kept an eye and ear trained on the stranger... just in case. She didn't imagine Fell would let him get close, but she had a pair of hind hooves with his name on them if he came within range.
Mare // Three // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired

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