The Lost Islands

the pony queen

mare | shetland x andalusian mutt | homeless

The blue mare would have chuckled at Fell’s reaction to her harmless splash. He was such an animated character; it made her vibrant blue eyes shine with delight. He filled her with the vigor she’d not known in many years and for the first time? She’d heard many great, epic sagas that felt like they were only tall tales, and not at all awe-inspiring. This shadow man, however strange he may be, managed to move her in ways that she never imagined possible.

The cool of the water rushing down her throat in deliberate meaningful gulps did well enough to lessen the heat that radiates off her scruffy form. The blue mare was quietly imagining what her future might look like, should she choose to stay, when her daydreaming was rudely interrupted. His lips peeled back and his teeth caught her cheek. Her head would jerk up abruptly, a squeal of surprise leaving her maw. Her ears were buried under the heavy shag of her wavy mane, and her tail was thrown aside with offense. Water sloshed and splashed around her feet as she shuffled in place for a moment. White lined the blue of her widened eyes. Fell’s ungraceful scramble up that muddy slope was caught out of the corner of her eye and her attention would turn more deliberately to him.


A hot breath rattled out of her nose, and she was in motion once more. Blue doesn’t even stop to think; she reacts. As he flees, she gives chase, similar to how this game had begun. Although the blue mare never quite catches Fell, he can practically feel her nipping at his heels, through the vibrations of the ground with each thunderous stride. It was easy to assume that she, like Kohelet, was a mate well-suited for him.

By the time they reach the meadow she’s fully winded, and taking a break didn’t seem like such a bad idea. She slowed to a trot as she pressed towards the opening. Not far off, she could make out the forms of what she could only assume was his herd. Ears pointed forward with interest, she quietly observed each individual she could make out. She took in the rest of the scenery that surrounded them. The smell of the ocean was not far off, and the pines were intoxicating. There was a twitch in her shoulder and chest which she seemed to pay little mind. It was only a few moments after that, once she’d fully caught her breath that she might have caught a glimpse of one of the ravens that led her to that small clearing where Fell had introduced and revealed himself to her.

She’d smile to herself, giving wordless thanks to them. Her head dropped down, and she joined the stallion in a morning graze.

html © riley | image © silentium-est-aureum | character © glory


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