The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Fell had not forgotten about the chestnut mare from the Crossing, though he was a little surprised she was still here. She had hidden away like Svenja had, so Fell thought she might take the first opportunity to escape, as Svenja had, but to his surprise she remained. This made him almost wary; he had given her space, only spotting her a rare few times throughout the seasons, his primary interaction with her existence here in the scents he picked up on patrols.

He wondered why she stayed.

It wasn’t like he could ask her, but Fell had been discovering lately that you don’t actually have to say a damn thing to get people to spill their guts to you. Nyimara had revealed quite a lot to him, likely without knowing, in her own questions, while Fell had stood there unable to answer. Silence seemed to draw out information, if you were patient.

Fell was… not patient, but he was working on it. Instead of glimpsing the chestnut mare by chance during patrols (Fell did not know her name, and could not ask her, so he called her Red in his head) the Marwari stallion deliberately followed her scent this time. She was good at keeping to herself, out of the way; the other Bay mares might not have even known she was here. Kohelet and Blue were likely aware of her, as they were the two most engaged with the land and its residents, but Fell doubted anyone else had seen her. Even so, from his experiences catching her scent on his patrols, Fell found her easily enough.

He approached with a quiet nicker, halting a few feet away, unwilling to risk repeating his mistakes with Svenja and pushing her out. His thick, messy tail swished at his hindquarters and he held his head peaceably low, one ear cupped forward, the other flipped to the side. He waited, to see if she might approach, or even just talk to him.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.

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