The Lost Islands

I talk to shadows that you left behind

Kho thought he was very sneaky following Charmeine to the shore to see what all the fuss was about, but he hadn’t expected the pale filly to waltz right into the gathering. He had hoped to sneak up on her, and once she was good and rattled, the two of them would take bets on how the inevitable fight would go down. Much to his mother’s dismay, Kho often witnessed his father’s altercations. There hadn’t been too many in his short life, but to the young colt, two or three fights were plenty enough to make him an expert.

“Char,” he hissed after the pale filly, but she had already slipped in between his father and Blue. Kho was not anxious for his friend’s safety, but he was anxious to show her that he knew all about what happened when his old man’s muscles got all bunched up like that. The colt gave her a few minutes to see if she would come back, but she did not, hanging out instead next to his dad. She seemed to be talking to the strange mare on the beach, but Kho could not hear what they were saying.

With a dramatic sigh, the black colt slinked out after her, coming up next to Blue. He liked the roan mare — she didn’t treat him like a kid, and he was at least pretty sure she didn’t go easy on him when they played. (This obviously meant that Khoshekh was likely stronger than his father, because he had seen Blue beat up the Bay leader a good handful of times.) He mimicked Charmeine’s chewing motion as he crept up next to Blue, peeking around her to try and catch the pale filly’s attention. The boy was oblivious to the tension of the situation, having not yet learned the difference between play fighting and real fighting. This was, he assumed, a game the adults were all playing, one that he was not yet allowed to participate in.

Still, as his dark eyes flicked from Charmeine to the adults around them, Khoshekh experienced a strange gravity for the first time. Maybe this was a more serious game than usual, after all.


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