The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in [Kohelet]

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Rattled was not the right word for the way Fell felt about his interaction with Nyimara, but it was close. He recalled Solomon requesting that he come to him with any news of Rougaru, and Fell wondered if this was qualifying information. He also had no idea how he would even begin to tell the Tinuvel King anything at all, let alone the uncertain and complicated information he had gotten from Nyimara. He also though that Solomon was likely in the wrong for thinking the Wolf King was his biggest enemy. It was the silver witch of the Dunes he should really be worried about, even if Rougaru returned.

It was dark when he sought Kohelet out and ushered her away from the herd. They had hardly gotten a moment together since the birth of their son, and Fell had not realized how badly he craved the painted mare’s touch until be sought it out. He needed her help, but as he lead her to the waterfall they had visited after his first meeting with Solomon, her scent intoxicated him and battled with his problems for his attention. He wanted to bury his nose in her mane, draw his teeth down her spine, press his chest against hers and groom the stress of the day out of her painted coat.

He restrained himself. The whole Kolfinna situation had not exactly been resolved, and he did not know if Kohelet was still upset with him about it. It might get in the way of what he needed to try and communicate with her, but he hoped Kohelet knew him well enough to pick up on the importance of his message and at least try to decipher it.

He reached the little waterfall where it was tucked back into the mountainside, and turned to Kohelet. He did not even know how to begin, but he sidled close to her, hoping she might pick up the scent of Salem off his fur. There was a chance Nyimara’s fragrance clung to him still as well, though he hadn’t gotten very close to her. If he was incredibly lucky, Kohelet might pick it up, but even then he couldn’t be sure the painted mare even knew Nyimara to recognize the scent.

It was difficult to stand this close to his painted queen and not give into temptation, but doing so would surely ruin any chance he had of getting his message across. He turned his face away from her, though he kept his shoulder as close to Kohelet’s muzzle as she would allow. His delicate nostrils flared, and he pulled in the chilly Fall air and the spray of the waterfall in an effort to clear his mind.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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