The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

She felt... guilty. Angry with herself and angry with him. Kohelet knew that Fell often ran around challenging other herds for their mares and forcing them to stay in the Bay for at least a time, but she had yet to witness him acting cruelly towards any of them. It wasn't perfect, but who was she to judge? Apparently, her father had done the same thing before she was born, and while the thought of holding anyone prisoner made the painted girl uncomfortable, she didn't feel like it was her place to change Fell.

She loved him, faults and all.

But it was one thing to look at someone like Svenja and Kanti - strangers to her - and accept their imprisonment, and something else entirely to watch Fell bring Kolfinna home. The Kolfinna. Her father's Kolfinna. Kohelet had not grown up around the gray mare, but gossip ran rampant in a herd as large as the Cove's and most knew that she was father's lover and lived in the Peak, even though the Peak used to be their mortal enemies. The one that was the mother to her older brother Menelik, and little brother Saul, the one who had raised her niece, and the one that was welcome in the Cove no matter what.

As much as Kohelet adored the gray mare, and was happy to see that she didn't seem heartbroken about her time in the Bay, the painted girl felt guilty for knowing that she was here and for not doing something more to help her. Heck, she hadn't even told the silvery mare who she was exactly. However, the guilt that she had neither confronted Fell about it nor told her father of Fell's crimes was the worst.

If she told her father, it would destroy his relationship with Fell, but if she pushed Fell about it, it might destroy her relationship with Fell.

And she was too selfish to risk that. So instead of doing anything about it, she had fretted and withdrawn from the herd itself, citing headaches or stomachaches or tiredness. Anything that would be believable and allow her a few moments alone with Khoshkeh wherein she could pretend that nothing was wrong and everything was just fine. That her whole world didn't feel like one revelation away from a disaster that would force her to choose between her father and her lover.

Despite everything, she didn't hesitate to follow Fell when he drove her forward and followed quietly at his hip as he led her to their waterfall. She often came here with Khoshkeh when she needed a break from his roughhousing with Blue and the other children; the quiet sound of the water had always soothed her and often allowed her to escape into those early, easier memories. Even recalling the way Fell had spit at her was funny now in hindsight, and she loved remembering the way they'd worked through their differences to come to an understanding. Whether it was because of her own anxiety, or because of some signal Fell was putting off, she had a feeling that today was going to be another one of those days.

She watched silently as he drew to a halt, and drew a steadying breath in as he moved close to her again. No matter how much she was upset with him, Fell was still magic to her. A drug that raced through her veins and made her crave more of his touch and affection and attention. It took all of her willpower to remain in place, with only the wrinkle of her brow to give away her internal battle.

He said nothing, but she didn't expect him to. Instead of touching her, he turned away and she stifled the small feeling of rejection in her chest. He sidled close but again did not touch her, and so she did the only thing she could think to do and extended her muzzle to draw in his scent.

He didn't smell of the Bay, but that wasn't particularly surprising. Fell was often gone on some trip or another, and she never really knew when he'd be back or what new face he'd be bringing back with him. Even so, it was a bit of a slap in the face to scent another unknown mare on his skin beneath the dusty scent of wherever else he'd been, and she didn't bother the hide the frown that appeared on her lips or the way that she jerked away from the scent. It was unknown to her, but considering the vast majority of Fell's conquests had been likewise unknown to her, she didn't consider that anything strange.

"You visited another mare somewhere else," she guessed quietly, trying to keep her voice level. She knew it wasn't her place to be possessive over Fell, especially not now that he had a whole herd to protect and bond with. So instead she focused on the scent of the land itself, though it provided her few answers. Kohelet had never left Tinuvel, nor would she have guessed that figuring out where he'd traveled to was important. Her tail flicked anxiously against her haunches and she shook her head, peering at him as if his face would magically provide the answers. "On the Crossing, maybe? I don't understand what that has to do with me, Fell."
Mare // Three // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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