The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

I don’t understand what this has to do with me, Fell. There was tension in Kohelet’s voice as she spoke, but Fell attributed this to the mess he had caused with Kolfinna — and tried not to believe that she was growing impatient with him for his inability to speak. He could not have blamed her if that was the case, but even thinking about it hurt beneath his own impatience with himself. It had not occurred to Fell that Kohelet may have felt any type of discomfort with the way he managed the Bay herd, although Fell himself was no stranger to his own mistakes. The confidence of his youth had long ago worn off with his many defeats and failures, and though he kept trying and learning as he went, he was well aware that a successful herd dynamic might be somewhere in his future, but it certainly was not the present situation.

The black stallion tried to quell the frustration that inevitably rose in him any time an attempt to communicate did not work as he had planned (which was most of the time). It was not Kohelet’s fault, and his frustration was truly only intended for himself, but he could not help the scowl that crossed his face as he turned back to her. Fell shook his head in a nevermind gesture, softening his expression with an effort. There wasn’t really anything else he could do to get his message across, and although Fell had his reservations about Nyimara, she hadn’t given him any outward signs of being a danger yet to the Tinuvel monarchy, or more importantly, the Bay. Fell was aware that Rougaru had feuded with Solomon, but unless something had changed, Nyimara’s venomous attention was still fixated on Faolain.

Still, he did not feel good about simply dropping it. If Kohelet did not know Nyimara, she could not possibly make the connection to which Fell was trying to guide her. It did no good to push it; he did not want to frustrate her, and he certainly did not want to frustrate himself. The Bay stallion knew he was reactive, and that his temper was volatile. He did not bother to attempt to control it very much with others, but with Kohelet, he made an effort. He took a deep breath, turning his body until he stood alongside her, the length of his body pressed protectively against her. It was the only way he could think to convey the most important message to her: that he was worried, and wanted to keep her safe. The details could wait.

Fell circled Kohelet once, his hide pressed close against hers, head bowed to trail his whiskered muzzle across her coat. As he came back around toward her face, he pressed his brow against her neck, a touch that was both possessive and affectionate, and stood there for a moment.

((Feel free to have her push him away as he’s getting up in her space lol))
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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