The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

"And you overstep yourself, Blue." Kohelet's voice came coldly from Solomon's far side as she moved closer, her ears pinned and face pinched. Her voice was as cold, if not moreso than the roan's voice and she squared her posture with the mare as she halted. "You don't know anything about what's going on and I'd appreciate it if you'd speak to my father with the respect he's earned." The implication, of course, being that Bluechild had not earned the same recognition.

Her gaze was locked upon the bold little blue mare, clearly recognizing the attempt the roan was making to put herself in a position of authority she did not possess. It hurt the tobiano to recognize it, given that she had considered Blue a friend. But their friendship was still nascent, and not strong enough to overpower both Kohelet's tie to her family and the guilt she felt for knowing who and what Kolfinna was to Solomon but not mentioning it.

"You can go join the herd with the children since this doesn't concern you." As much as Kohelet did not want to drop her gaze from the roan mare that had singlehandedly destroyed their relationship, Blue's insolence was of less consequence than Khoshkeh's safety and so she turned that same authority to her son and gestured in dismissal, echoing Blue's command.

Her gaze passed coldly over Blue again as she turned her gaze back to the rest of the group briefly while skipping over her father. She didn't know Oswin by anything other than name, but she could guess from what she'd heard that she was some sort of authority in the Peak, which was understandable given Kolfinna's previous residence. She took a breath to gather herself before turning to meet Fell's gaze, her ears still pinned tightly against her nape. "What matters is what happens from here." She addressed them all without moving her gaze from the man that she loved. "Are you going to keep her against her will?" And then with a frown, she turned her gaze to Kolfinna. "And perhaps more importantly," she said, her voice softening. "What is it you want?"
Mare // Three // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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