The Lost Islands

let me be brave

Charmeine, a curious, social thing hadn’t hesitated to begin with at her bold approach, but after she’d spoken and looked around at the adults, a strange feeling made her belly tight. Her pale, blue eyes (everything about her was so very pale, in Tinuvel’s winter she may all but disappear) looked for Khoshekh, her friend, the one who’d tried to keep her from walking blindly into this gathering.

There was a strange energy brewing between the adults, and Charmeine’s gaze was somewhat nervous as she regarded the gold and white stranger. Immediately she decided she did not like her, not because she knew anything about her or understood the conversation, but because it seemed her presence here was putting the horses Charmeine knew into some sort of stress. Her stubby white tail flicked a few quick times, but before she could open her mouth and say something else she wasn’t supposed to, Blue was talking to them. If she was more stubborn she might’ve denied leaving, but the truth was the energy here was making her feel on-edge. Not much had happened to her since the day she was born, and Charmeine could hardly remember it - but she remembered the fear and the running and the squeals…

The pale filly bobbed her head and turned to move away from the black shadow she knew as protector and safety, picking up her hooves a bit to bouncily trot toward Khoshekh. Charmeine only shared a look with him, hoping he’d agree they should bide by Blue’s words and clear out. Considering he’d tried to stop her from stumbling into the situation in the first place, she had a feeling he wouldn’t hesitate to retreat with her now that they had the chance.

- - - - - - - - - -

Oswin could not help the look of disgust that crossed her features, small head pulling back and high on her neck the more the painted mare spoke. It had been nearly the same thing Mariael had told her years ago and was, ultimately, the greatest enemy the Peak and their morals constantly warred with. It felt easier when it was a stallion who assumed he had some right-by-birth to hold power over others but when it was a mare of the herd, Oswin often floundered. To this day she still hadn’t found a way to get them to see how wrong they were and she had a sneaking suspicion today wasn’t going to remedy that narrative.

She snorted with irritation. “If she’s happy here, and she wants to, of course she can stay.” Oswin’s voice was tight, but she was still managing to keep it level. “My only concern is with herd leaders who hold those that don’t want to stay. Mare or stallion.” She added pointedly, staring directly at the blueish gray and black mare.

It was this time, however, that a familiar face approached. Irritation still itched under Oswin’s skin, but she hoped the arrival of Tinuvel’s king meant good news. When she and Solomon had met, their conversation led her to believe he was the sort who’d never allow a cruel leader to take up residence on Tinuvel. Though she did not know the details of his relationship with Kolfinna, Oswin did know it was deep enough that he’d sired children with the gentle gray mare.

Again the Bay mare spoke her piece, but this time she addressed Solomon. Oswin snorted, barely able to hold her tongue from jumping in and dogpiling on the matter. But one look at Kolfinna kept her quiet. Oswin remembered she was here for her sister, and she knew if she amplified this into a fight, things could possibly get bad for her.

And you overstep yourself, Blue. A black and white mare entered the conversation and named the mare who’d spoken out on behalf of the black stallion that couldn’t speak for himself. The painted mare dismissed Blue after lecturing her, then turned to address Fell. It was only at that moment Oswin had realized this entire time, despite him being the main reason for her to be standing on these shores, she had been focusing on the other horses who could speak rather than paying him any mind. A bit of guilt touched her but she mentally shoved it aside, deciding she’d rather not feel anything sympathetic for the stallion who’d come to blows with Roisin and taken Kolfinna from her home and her children.

What is it you want? The mare asked Kolfinna gently, and Oswin softened as her dark blue eyes drifted to Kolfinna.

“If you want to stay here,” she started softly, “I can escort Saul back to you to make sure he gets to you safely.” Oswin only wanted Kolfinna to know she did have a choice, even having been taken from the Peak. If she didn’t want to come back to her sisters, she didn’t have to. The Peak would never again hold anyone who did not wish to seek shelter there.

this is as brave as I know how to be.
I know it’s gonna hurt you, but please… be a little proud of me.


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