The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

At first, she could not read the expression on his face. It was almost as if he were attempting to hold back tears, but that made little sense in her mind. For all of Kohelet's belief in Fell's gentleness and sensitivity, she did not imagine he was the sort of stallion that would ever be comfortable crying in front of anyone. Regardless of the emotion behind it, she remained patient, hoping that he would understand her method even if it was less than sophisticated.

Thankfully, Fell caught on quickly and had reached to draw his own line before she had even finished drawing her second one. He indicated that it was something important about the scent of the mare, and so she stretched forward to breathe in the scent of the strange mare mingled with his musk. It remained just as unfamiliar to her the second time as it had the first time. She frowned thoughtfully and tried to work out what her next question should be.

The only mares she could think of that might be of interest to them were either members of their families or herds, or threats, and the only threats she could really think of had all been nullified by time or reconciliation. Even with Fell's recent transgressions against the Peak, Koh didn't believe the valkyries were planning on retaliating. The others she could think of seemed even less likely. Xiomara now lived in the Cove as one of its queens, and Nyimara hadn't been heard from in years. And she hadn't really been an enemy of the Cove per se, just a disgruntled mare that her father had traded away to the Lagoon for her part in the crimes against Siobhan. Nor did Kohelet have any knowledge of the silver witch's connection to Rougaru or Fell, or any way of knowing that the scent on her lover's skin belonged to the scorned silver-maned mare.

"Okay..." Brow still furrowed, Kohelet juggled her options. "She has to be important if you're telling me about her," she murmured slowly, choking down her own jealousy and thinking aloud. "Is she a mare you're trying to bring here?" She asked her question and then drew a brief horizontal line, entirely unsure of why Fell would tell her about his conquests beforehand. "Or family, maybe?" She drew her lips perpendicular again and then peered back at him. If he were to indicate that it was family, she would then gesture to him and then herself while asking, "yours, or mine?"
Mare // Three // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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