The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Fell’s skin tingles where Kohelet draws the scent from him a second time. It sparks no new recognition in her face, which is unsurprising. Fell’s ears tick toward her, watching her think, coming up with more questions. He stands tense with anticipation, as though prepared for flight, but the Bay stallion does not intend to move.

A mare you’re trying to bring here, or family?

Kohelet draws a horizontal line for the first part, which Fell patiently ignores. When her lips return to trace its perpendicular counterpart, Fell reluctantly mirrors the gesture, drawing a light vertical line down his painted companion’s shoulder. Technically family, he thinks, but I wouldn’t rush to defend that title. He pins his ears briefly, his expression harsh, and tosses his head once, but as quickly as the demeanor has come over him, it melts away again, and his expression softens. Once more, he draws a feather light family line on Kohelet’s shoulder, and then repeats the agitated gesture and head toss. When the sour expression dissolves a second time, Fell does not bring it back. He looks at his lover with apologetic eyes, hoping his message of aggravation did not come across as impatience or anger with Kohelet.

His wrath is not intended for her, never for her. However, Fell can all too easily envision a future on the Islands where Nyimara brings turmoil and violence to his life, directly or otherwise. She has ignored him in the past, but Fell was easy to ignore as a silent feral child within the jungles of Paradise. Now, as a band stallion stirring up trouble amongst the other territories of the Islands, her attention is more likely to find him. Wrathful or affectionate, Nyimara’s attention almost always spelled misfortune in the end.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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