The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Fell feels immediate guilt at Kohelet's flinch. He is not sure if she expects violence from him, or if he has sent her into a storm of fear that has little to do with him at all. Regardless, he falls still at her side, heaving a deep breath and forcing the tension out of his body. Kohelet is his rock, and if she begins to falter...

We'll be okay, she says, but Fell has already begun to adjust within himself the heavy reliance he has on his painted lover. The delicate roots of doubt have begun to unfurl within him: has he been lucky this entire time? He had completely failed both Kanti and Svenja, and Rafe's brazen threat toward Kohelet resurfaces with glaring urgency. He had not taken it seriously at the time, but now, now...

Is there something you need me to do? she asks. Fell curls his head over her withers in response, pulling her close, feeling... turbulent. He has no right to ask anything else of Kohelet, who has practically been doing his job as a herd stallion while he has been off causing trouble. Still, he may not have a choice. His relationship with Solomon was never solid, but it seems to hang by only a thread now, if that. Even if he wanted to smooth things out with the Tinuvel King, it isn't like he could hop on over to the Cove to speak with him.

However, doing nothing is not an option.

While Fell can acknowledge that he is to blame for the unwanted attention he has brought to the Bay, anger still seethes within him at the situation. He is seemingly caught between Solomon and his own blood, and each party suspects that he holds allegiance to the other. Fell is furious with both of them, in truth; he has never involved himself in his father's warmongering, nor has he stood up to the old Wolf King. He has never been interested in the politics of the islands, and he has come to realize that he hates the burdens placed upon him by both Rougaru and the Tinuvel King. He wants to shed the both of them from his life, and focus on his herd without the weight of proof being placed upon him for his allegiance. The Marwari stallion may play the role of underling to Solomon, or son to Rougaru -- but he understands deeply now that he will never hold loyalty to either of them.

His allegiance is to himself and Kohelet, and he has very few options for making this statement clear.

Fell's lips part against his painted mare's skin, and he rakes blunt teeth affectionately along her spine. He knows she may not forgive him for failing to repair what fragile alliance he had with Solomon, but there is only so much he can do to make her understand.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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