The Lost Islands

the pony queen

mare | shetland x andalusian mutt | bay

Kohelet had come at the little blue mare with a fury she’d not yet laid witness to before, and startling as it was? The blue mare knew no boundaries when defending what she believed in. So the mare stomped a hoof against the shore of the Bay, the gesture speaking more than her words ever could. It had been stomped with such force that the form of her chest bounced with motion and the crest of her neck flexed as it arched.

Her tail lashed, as if to beat against the tension that filled the thick chilly air. “ Ah, there’s that fire I knew wos in ya, the whole time, sweet bonnie lass. “ she replies, “ But here’s the thing -- ya ain’t treatin’ me like no damn filly. I ain’t yours, Solomon’s, or even Fell’s ta command. Ya might be kind, but kindness will only get ya so far wit’ me. Ya want the right to freely dismiss me? Earn it. “ she seemed to challenge Kohelet.

She’d lift her head, one part to assert herself, another to make herself seem bigger than she was... Aside from the children, she was the smallest of the collective. But what surprised her most was Solomon -- perhaps she’d misjudged him, as he had managed to keep a surprisingly level head as she threw her stones at him. Although she could note the sharpness in his gaze, and guilt felt heavy in her gut, she doesn’t choose this moment to have a discussion with him about the events that have lead her away from his protection and companionship. That would be another discussion for another time.

After, her attention returns to the mare who she had (and still did) consider a herd mate. Her ears remained tucked under the scruffy rags of her mane. She had been just about to further address Kohelet when out of nowhere, Fell’s body language exploded and became center stage of attention and focus. Instinct drives the blue mare to pace aside in staggered steps, her ears now pointing forward with interest, watching as he encouraged the silver mare to leave. It doesn’t take her much in the way of putting the puzzle pieces together to understand that a decision had finally been made.

Which was all that the blue mare needed to see before she dismissed herself from the situation -- and not a second before.

html © riley | image © silentium-est-aureum | character © glory

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