The Lost Islands

I see your ghost in the middle of the night;

I see your ghost in the middle of the night;
i talk to shadows that you left behind

Khoshekh's curiosity only heightens when the chestnut mare reveals herself to him. He hasn't seen her before, and she whispers something as she sees him. The colt's shoulders relax and he give his fuzzy tail a wag, before stepping cautiously forward. He reaches upward to exchange breaths with the tall mare, as he had seen the grown-ups do so often.

She apologizes, but Khoshekh shrugs her words away. "That's okay!" he chirps, his fuzzy, comically large ears flipping one at a time to the side before focusing on the chestnut mare again. Father has never tried to hide his way of life from the residents of the Bay, so Kho does not wonder where the chestnut mare came from; he chalks up nearly every strange mare he sees in his home to one of Fell's conquests. It has made him entirely too confident around mares he does not know, and he skips around the chestnut woman with boisterous energy once he recovers from his mild startle.

"What's your name?" he asks, bouncing around to face her once again. "Do you like it here? Where did you come from? Is it very different?" So far, Khoshekh has discovered that not all mares like the Bay, and plenty of them don't love Father. Mostly, he minds his business when it comes to those residents who don't particularly want to be there, but Mother's habits of welcoming and being friendly with even the pricklier mares in the herd has rubbed off on him. Sometimes, he can even convince them to play with him.

"Would you like to play a game with me?" he asks, suddenly perking up with excitement. The chestnut mare is taller than he is, so maybe she can reach that pesky leaf for him.

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