The Lost Islands

drag my teeth across your chest


Little Una. Una. She didn't know the words her mother spoke but there was something about the way she said Una that made the little filly perk up. She nuzzled her mother's shoulder in response to the name. Her mother continued speaking and she could feel the vibration as she pressed her body against her dam's leg.

At her mother's insistence, Una bounded forward away from the spot where she was born. She stumbled here and there but seemed to be figuring out her legs. It was only when Fell and Kho approached that she scurried back to Kohelet's side. She grabbed at her mother's tail, ducking her head into the strands that now waterfalled down either side of Una's face.

Fell begins to inspect Kohelet and Una makes a concerned face and takes a few steps closer, pressing her ears back against her skull and letting out what may have been meant to be a sound of intimidation. Though she sounded more like a goat than a lion.

Eventually his gaze falls to her and the bravery she had felt moments before begins to melt away. Una extends her neck, an attempt to mimic the earlier nose bumps she had seen, but instead promptly sneezes directly into her sire's face and falls back down into the grasses with her first tiny laugh falling from her lips.


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