The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

A rustle nearby sets Kohelet on edge again and her gaze rises sharply to the source of the sound. It is far too close, she thinks, to be her lover and son, still presumably sleeping where she'd left them. It is more likely a predator or a threat to her newborn and it sets her on edge. Moving carefully so she doesn't upend the girl's balance, Kohelet brings her forehand in front of her to shield her from whatever was in the bush.

It is only when her lover emerges with their eldest child that she relaxes, the tension literally melting away from her stiff shoulders and braced neck. She almost feels guilty at the way he creeps forward now as if fearing that she would lash out, but she couldn't blame him after the way she'd almost behaved at Khoshekh's birth. This time, however, she had a little more experience and a lot less fear to contend with during the process and was less inclined to chase him off.

Besides, Kohelet had another fierce little guardian to protect her if the girl's squeak of defiance was any indication. Stifling a chuckle, Kohelet lowered her muzzle to tickle at Una's neck. "It's okay sweetheart, they are family." Family may mean different things to different horses, but for Kohelet, it had always meant security and safety. A place to belong, even if you - like Kohelet - were not always a shining example of loyalty.

"That was fast," she murmured to Fell as he wrapped her in his embrace, and she yielded gratefully to his touch, glad to have him at her side again. The troubles that plagued them in the past were always easiest to forget when she could touch him for herself, as if his presence alone was enough to scare away the monsters that haunted her dreams. She tucked her head against his shoulder even as his lips investigated her body for any sign of injury; she could have saved him the trouble, but her sore muscles were grateful for the warmth of his breath and the gentle touch he provided. She was fine. Tired, but fine.

She stretches eagerly for Khoshekh as he comes forward and after brushing his muzzle with her own, stretches to trace her muzzle fondly over his face again. He does not seem upset at the intrusion of another baby in the family, although she doubts that he understands the meaning of it yet. The way that Una will steal her parent's attention in the night and require the supervision that was once given only to him. He's not yet had anyone younger at him scrambling underfoot, trying to drag him into so-called baby games while he tried to look cool for other fillies, nor drive him mad with playful mimicry.

There are words she wants to say, but they do not come. It's not that her boys cannot understand her, it's more that in the time she's spent with Fell, she's grown less reliant on them.

Kohelet beams as the three of them meet each other, her chest full to bursting with the love she felt for them. "I named her Úna," she murmured softly as they reached for each other, and then, with a smile toward her daughter, she stretched to touch her again softly. "And this is your father, and your big brother, Khoshekh." Introductions made, she pulled back to give them room again, her muzzle resting idly on Fell's back for comfort.

As Una tumbles however, Kohelet cannot help but to reach for her, nuzzling at the wisps of her tail and then moving forward across her body to check for any injuries. Finding none, she tugged playfully at her daughter's mane and then stepped back to give her room to stand so that she and her father and brother could continue getting to know each other.
Mare // Three // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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