The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Hearing Blue claim that she isn't welcome in the Bay prompts a second, disbelieving snort from Fell. His ears flick back, and then forward again. He had heard Kohelet as well as Blue had, but Fell hadn't thought she meant for Blue to leave his home entirely. He mulls over the uncomfortably fresh memories of the events on the beach, wondering if he had missed something; some deeper meaning behind the scolding Kohelet had given the fiery roan mare.

With a shake of his head, Fell dispels that possibility. He is too angry right now, too wound up to think about the delicacies of herd hierarchy, and it's easy to both see meaning that may not be there, and to assume that everyone else is just as wound up as he is. Maybe Kohelet had sounded so harsh because she was angry, a mistake Fell is not familiar with himself, but one he's seen others make plenty of times. In any case, he finds no reason to dwell on the words themselves just now, not while everyone is so hot.

He isn't entirely sure why he ran after Blue. It's not like they can talk about what just happened. It's not like he can reassure her (and even if he could, would it really be his place?) or try to smooth things over. He can't even thank her for standing up for him.

Fell stands there stupidly for a moment, just watching the little roan mare. She does not appear to be actively trying to leave, and Fell isn't sure if he'd stop her if that was what she wanted; not because he might agree with that decision (he does not) but because he doubts he could realistically stop Blue from doing anything at all. At least not with brute force.

Maybe he can convince her to stay by other means. The two of them have similar methods of letting off steam; maybe if they both cool off, they can figure out how to fix their respective messes.

Fell moves forward to close the distance between them. His ears pin briefly, but it's an empty threat as he tosses his head toward her, teeth parted only to close on the air near her face. He doesn't know how this will go over; it very well might make things worse. But he remembers feeling like a pair of stupid foals when they played before, and nothing helps to lighten the mood like a good run -- or a good fight. Or both. If Blue does not immediately react, Fell will move in to pester her again. The first sign he gets that she might indulge in his stupid game, the black stallion will wheel away, rearing and tossing his head dramatically; and then take off into the woods for a chase.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.

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