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Re(1): Ukraine WAR

The Russian Army suffers from its own decay. They lack good officers in the middle grades, who lead their troops in battle. The reason is that Putin and his top echelon can't trust the middle grade and eliminate them. At the onset of this invasion, I wrote to Senator Ron Paul and opined that this isn't our fight. When your enemies fight, cheer them on and stay out of it. The Mainstream media are making the Ukranians out to be heroes. Truth is their regime is just as rotten as Putin's government. Putin was emboldened to start this war because Biden's administration has shown incompetency in both military and foreign affairs, not to mention his disastrous internal policies. IMHO the four years of Biden's tenure will be great in the long run, because he's showing the American people just what harm Socialism can do to a strong republic. Every time Joe opens his mouth, the powers that control the White House have to "walk it back."

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