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A message from Cheryl Brunato to the Airman Aircrew Association.

Lance, I have been meaning to write to you to thank you for the wonderful photo you sent me. The boys and I miss Mark very much, but we are going OK.

Mark's wake would have overwhelmed him with over 200 joining us to celebrate his life which was well-lived. Pass on our thanks to everyone in the Airman Aircrew Association for their condolences.

Mark loved his flying with all the friends and colleagues during his time in the air force. He was very disappointed that he didn’t get to the reunion in October.

Mark's death certificate listed his cause of death as Covid bacterial pneumonia, lung cancer and metastasis to the brain. He hung on until Tim’s wife, Alie, arrived from America. He died five hours after she visited him. He was strong to the very end, refusing strong drugs and generally giving the nurses a hard time.

Thank you,

Cheryl, Timothy, Steven & Carl and their families.


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