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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(3): Player Style Strengths

Wow, thank you again alq for that video link. That was quite enlightening. You have really expanded my Jai-Alai world! Some of those guys are absolute monsters of talent or talent + power.

I think I enjoy Hormaetxea the most. I like how he has no fear or hesitation about ending the point. He trusts in his skills and he is right to do so because he has the accuracy. So many players seem gun-shy or hesitant about using their kill shots. Not Hormaetxea.

Goiko is just amazing. Wow. What a phenom.

Olharan is something else as well, like a better Carballo.

The long-form court seems to favor offense, in the sense that there is more area for the defense to cover. Also, with the higher ceiling, it allows for some throws that are not likely or possible on the short-form court.

Picadas are more effective. Chulas and Chic-Chacs are much more likely. The sharper downward angle that can be achieved, and the longer fall-time (=acceleration), must make catching harder in the backcourt. And the ball can come off the back wall at a flatter or sharper angle due to the length and height of the court respectively.

The frontcourt has so much more space to score in. Dejadas, 2-walls, and outside placements are more effective.

In the middle court, the relative space between the front and backcourt players is longer and that allows it to be exploited, such as with cortadas and picadas.

Defending on the long-form court definitely looks harder both in singles and doubles.


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