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Re(2): I asked ChatGPT how to make Jai-Alai more popular in the US.

MC's between-game music is awful, generic crap but I have heard it so often that it barely even registers anymore, except for the very worst songs. I wonder how many potential, new viewers they have chased away with it.

It is pretty obvious that MC does not want to spend the money on better music. But the weird thing is, is that there is a ton of very cheap to free, royalty-free music out there. For example, all of the original music videos published under the Youtube Creative Commons license, where "you're granting the entire YouTube community the right to reuse and edit that video." That includes the original music. Someone could easily scour YouTube for original music and come up with a much better and bigger playlist than what MC has used for I don't know how long now.

I am only familiar with Dania's last partido tournament, but I remember the music being quite a bit better. Especially when they played jazz, which struck me as classy.

I suppose the real challenge is: what demographic do you want to cater to?


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