The Lost Islands


Here players may come to create The Lost Islands' next generation. Please consult the Rules page before posting here to breed your characters to ensure you understand the process and options available.

For each breeding, a request may be made for the gender of the foal, and the presence (not zygosity) of a gene for free. If you choose to randomize all other stats for the foal, you may request a healthy foal. Any further customization of the foal would require a custom foal perk.

Please ensure that you have included all necessary information, including stats, perk use, player permissions, and any requests before you post. Please also make sure that you respond to any further choices the mods give you.

Foals that are not named by the time the boards are updated may be deleted and considered stillborn, so please ensure the player of the foal names them promptly and includes any information about defects or chimeric expression (if applicable).

The Battlemaiden (Choice))

Ragnfridr is a difficult mare, who belongs to no stallion. She is mean, and any who would make a pass at her would be privy to biting, kicking, and an over-all bad time; she doesn't necessarily need to be 'forcebred', but a patient, and equally as stubborn (if not more so) personality would best suit Ragnfridr.

Any stallion who posts their stats is welcome to have cannonically covered ragnfridr, as the potential for many baby daddies could be fun! Assuming any of them would like to check in on the difficult mare and see if their efforts bore any fruit!

Stallion choice: Loupgaru
Request(s): None, allowing it to be completely random!

Andalusian x Quarter Horse x Mustang
Buckskin Roan ( Ee Aa nCR Rr )
18 years old
Ragnarok x Mako

I'm looking to play foal!

Onward into the heart of battle, fought the sisters of Odin
And in their hour of their need, he sent forth onto them, the berserker rage.
Now, gods and men, they rose up from the ground, screaming like wild animals.
Such is the gift of absolute power.
All who stood before them died that day, hail the gods of war!
-The Battlemaiden



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