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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Tiger and his members are truly greatJai-alai fans.

It goes to show you what great people Jai-alai has around it.
Just a little over a week ago I asked if anyone had a program from Fort Pierce
In 1988 in the months of July or August as I was filling in there from West Palm Beach as we were on a two-month break.

Not only one but two people came forward Tiger and Mark K. And offered to send me a program from that time.
Neither one of them would accept a penny for the program or the shipping which was quite generous of them. I had definitely had been ready to pay.

I have to also mention what pristine condition both programs were in you would have thought I just purchased them from the program stand after all these years still new as could be.

I would like to let them and everyone else know how much it meant to me to receive these programs because with all my moving through the years I did not have one program from Fort Pierce and if it wasn't for Mark k. I wouldn't have had any from West Palm Beach as he mailed me a couple of them several years ago.

To have the programs to share with new friends who never experienced Jai-alai and nieces and nephews who weren't even born when I was playing is very special to me and I want to let them know how much I appreciate that.

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