Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
Discussion forum for Jai-Alai Heaven
Foro de la discusión para el Cielo de Cesta Punta
Forum de discussion pour le Paradis de Pelote Basque

hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(2): Links please, Jesus.

A couple of questions come to mind.

How are they allowed to do performances without the ability for the public to bet? Also if they are upholding their state license which is public record, and a state regulator can just appear at any time and look over the operation, how are they allowed to hide it from the public?

Aren’t they required to have a certain number of referees? Who is qualified to referee, and who is reffing?

Without pads and lines, how is there a legal boundary to show what is out of play?

Who is doing cesta and pelota repair?

Last question. If there were multiple players what are the chances some of them are part of our community? Seems like I remember the first sham was in Ocala and the two players were local sports radio or tv personalities. I might be wrong though it has been a while. What are the chances that some of the players are chalkies? Or do they have maintenance or janitorial staff out there on the court?


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