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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Saratoga

Hey Chordo,

I just got back from Saratoga.

It is rated as one of the most beautiful sports venues and one of my favorite places !

It is a complex track so there is no clear betting strategy. It is known “The Graveyard of Favorites” so you may want to look for some longer odds.

Even if you do not want to bet it is still a very enjoyable day.

The girl-watching there will rival any of the south Florida beaches (although there will be less showing) and there is a great picnic area out back and there should be several bands playing between the races.

It looks like the weather will be decent but bring a hat and sun screen (if you are fair skinned) if you do not have reserved seats as the track faces south and there is a lot of sun.

If you can get there early in the morning see if you can get a tour of the track.

Please let us know how you enjoyed it.

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