The Lost Islands


The Prime Minister


The Codebreaker


The General


The Companions

None Gόneşlenmek none

The Thinkers


The Politicians


The Warriors


The Trinkets



"Each member of the Peak should try to add a new member or free a trinket from the Lagoon twice per game year. Members who fail to uphold these responsibilities may be at risk of demotion. ." - Marceline

The Offspring

Bubbles (Finley x Snapdragon)
Cerinthe (Osmanthus x Honeycutt)
Cetus (Osmanthus x Axelle)
Harmonie (Nomius x Clarity)
Pennywise (Jigsaw x Titan)


• The Vulcan Peak is where homeless mares come to live as a sisterhood. Stallions may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Warriors keep mainly to fighting, Thinkers keep mainly to raiding, and Politicians may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Codebreaker or Prime Minister for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Prime Minister maintains order within the Peak and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Peak works on the Rules page.

The jungle is dark, but full of diamonds;


The pale eyed mare listens in silence as Mae speaks. Dark lashes blink slowly in silent agreement. And yet, Khar cannot help but to wonder if there is any truth to her words. Could Koh really help the mares still caught in Fell's clutches? If he was as ruthless a demon as Mae made him out to be, the moon-washed mare could not help but feel pessimistic. She knew all too well how stubborn and granite-brained stallions could be. In her opinion, there were only good for very few things, and making wise decisions was not among them. Ash dusted lips press together firmly but she remains silent. She had already jumped head-first into a situation she was not entirely made aware of and was determined to not do that again until all had been said.

'His cruelty is not limited to mares. But to his children too.' The next words Mae whispers cause Khar to lift her head in surprise. Raven-tipped ears disappear beneath the thick mantle of her obsidian mane. Children?! The stallion would abuse children?! The thought inflamed her already fragile hold on civility. A hard snort blasts from her flared nostrils as the lithe mare finds her forelimbs shifting in agitation beneath her. Koh immediately turns to Mae's daughter, her amber eyes rimmed white in shock as she questions the girl. Khar too is curious. Though her resolve is made, she stills her tense muscles and focuses her attention on the dark black-brown mare.
He took me to Nyimara.'
"Nyimara?" she questions, hearing the feminine name for not the first time. A mare if rumors were true. A witch or so the stories spoke. Despite the vague familiarity of the name, still she finds it hard to imagine why such a brutal stallion would take his offspring to a mare.

The dark mare continues on, oblivious to Khar's questioning voice or determined to speak her story. '... he was going to foster me to her and take her foal to the Bay...' Once more the growl of anger hangs in her throat. What sort of mare would willingly take part in something so mousebrained? A relieved sigh escapes her when Kaeja continues on with her story. A breath she had not even realized she had been holding back. At least the witch queen was not as insane as to accept such a trade of lives. '...I think she threatened to take me and hurt me...and Fell put my head in his mouth... He could have crushed...' story is almost too cruel to believe. Khar'pern gives her finely sculpted head a shake, trying to rid herself of the images the chocolate mare's words had painted. "How?..." her whispered question hangs in the silence that had built up between the gathered group. Khar blinks away the sting of shock to glance between the gathered mares. "How could someone be so cruel?" It is not a question she expects any of them to answer but it is one that nonetheless she feels the need to speak aloud. It is surely on the minds of all those gathered.

Silently, she watches as Kaeja slinks back to join her sister. Sadness fills her silver eyes as she watches the young mare trod off wearily. Even years later it is clear to her how much that moment in her young life had affected her. It was an unfair twist of fate that her very own sire could be so cruel. To a child no less.


The image of the black beast flash into her mind and the momentary dejection disappears. "This Fell...." she begins, glancing between the two mares with renewed urgency. "What does he look like? Is he black as a moonless night? Is his eyes that of a feral beast?" Raven-tipped ears pitch forward as once more the muscles beneath her dappled skin tense with anticipation. Could it be the same stallion? Was Fell the black beast that had dragged the poor, pale mare to her watery death? Did she want him to be?

rose gray Prime Minister of the Peak

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