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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(2): Marty Fleischman Blogs At Pelota Press

My boss's boss was Marty, when I worked at Dania in the early 2000s. Marty was the perfect mix of professional and kind, from my memory of working there. He put in the extra effort to make sure his people were doing ok, and I fondly remember our chats here and there, even though he mainly worked weekdays, and at the time (while in college), I worked nights and weekends. He also went out of his way often to give praise for good work, which I appreciated. Even though he had 30/35 years on me, I really enjoyed playing jai-alai with him as well; he was always in the right place and had a solid glove. Marty is a good man, and some of the experiences working there for him taught me valuable lessons early in my career, after hi-li, and also carried over years later, when I began managing a team. Hope you're doing well, Marty. Respectfully, Jared


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